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Amber's 2021 vision aligned with BlackRock's Future Outlook

By Amber Group 07/12/2023, 3 min read time

Frontier: Amber's 2021 vision aligned with BlackRock's Future Outlook 


"History often rhymes rather than repeats itself." BlackRock CEO Larry Fink's recent recognition of Bitcoin's borderless nature and potential to transform the global finance system echoes Amber CEO Michael Wu's views from a 2021 interview.


The entrance of TradFi into the crypto market is not a new phenomenon, as we observed a similar trend in 2020. Our CEO, Michael Wu, has long recognized the tremendous potential of Bitcoin early on. In a 2021 CNBC interview, he expressed his belief that Bitcoin could surpass gold as a long-term store of value. Furthermore, he shared the view that Ethereum has the potential to build a decentralized financial ecosystem and disrupt legacy finance, which aligns with the perspective of industry experts like Larry Fink.


Amber CEO Shared Similar Perspective to BlackRock CEO in Prior Interviews

(Full Video: Fox Business Interview - June, 2023)

(Full Video: CNBC Interview - Feb, 2021)

Key Takeaways on Recent Institutional Adoption 


  • Traditional finance firms are increasingly embracing cryptocurrencies due to positive statements by leaders like BlackRock's Larry Fink and growing Wall Street interest.

  • A Coinbase study found that 80% of Fortune 500 companies are exploring or implementing Web3 initiatives, showing that established firms recognize blockchain's value. 

  • The launch of EDX, a crypto exchange backed by traditional finance firms like Citadel, Fidelity, and Schwab, demonstrates growing interest from traditional players.

  • Wall Street giants like BlackRock, Fidelity, and Invesco filing for Bitcoin ETFs indicates a desire to gain exposure to digital assets.

  • Growing institutional backing for Bitcoin and digital assets may spur wider adoption, innovation, and growth, transforming finance.

Recognition of Crypto as a New Asset Class


Since its inception, Amber Group has been a leader in bringing cryptocurrency services to institutional and individual clients. As a key infrastructure provider connecting traditional finance to Web3, we have positioned ourselves at the forefront of this evolving landscape. 


We welcome the growing recognition by traditional finance leaders of Bitcoin's potential as a new asset class. Amber Group is strategically positioned to help clients capitalize on opportunities arising from this evolution. 


Digital assets offer an innovative way to diversify traditional stock and bond portfolios, especially during high inflation periods. We provide insights and solutions to thoughtfully integrate appropriate crypto exposures into your allocation. As a digital asset market leader, we offer the infrastructure to offer the following services to clients:


  • Secure fiat on/off ramps

  • Tailored portfolio solutions and management

  • Technology infrastructure for trading and custody



Follow us to learn how we can help you navigate this new digital asset class and build a balanced portfolio strategy that complements your broader investment objectives.


Let's discuss how we might partner to help you achieve your investment goals in this evolving landscape: [email protected]





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