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How to improve your returns on digital assets

By Amber Group 08/22/2023, 4 min read time

About WhaleFin Earn Products

WhaleFin Earn products can help you earn stable returns over time. 

  • Profitable: Higher returns than with traditional savings accounts.

  • Safe and transparent: Display the estimated returns before committing to the investment

  • Easy and fast: Make a deposit, choose the tenor and the digital asset you want to invest, and wait for your returns to compound

  • Secure: WhaleFin by Amber Group is certified SOC Type II by Deloitte, the industry’s gold standard of security and privacy. In 2022, Amber Group became the world's first digital asset platform to achieve SOC 2 compliance (source: PR Newswire). 


WhaleFin is Amber Group’s award-winning digital asset platform. Download WhaleFin (Android / Apple) to simulate your investment, view the estimated return, and get started!



How to invest during volatility?


Believers in long-term potential may elect to simply hold their digital assets and ride out the turbulent market conditions, while speculators or those burned by a loss may be considering transitioning their funds out of the ecosystem to wait for a friendlier climate. For investors all along this spectrum, however, there continue to be attractive return opportunities offered by digital assets’ novel properties, even through bear markets.


This is what fixed-rate earning products can offer to compound returns passively.


What are Earn products?


Earn products offer a powerful means of compounding wealth without the burden of looking into the day-to-day fluctuations of trading prices. It is an investment option that works similarly to savings accounts in traditional financial institutions. It allows investors to earn stable and predictable returns on their existing digital assets with meaningful returns and flexibility.


Fixed Earn is an attractive passive investment option because the rates are significantly higher than traditional savings accounts. Banks offer an average of 0.42% APY on savings accounts (source: Business Insider), whereas the potential annual return offered by digital asset platforms can reach 7–10% or more.



  • Higher fixed annualized return rates than traditional bank savings accounts
  • Funds do not need to trade during the investment period, so price fluctuations do not affect returns
  • Provide transparency and stability of expected returns
  • You can withdraw the invested principal at any time, while returns are settled according to the stipulated tenor
  • Diversify risks in your digital asset investment portfolio


WhaleFin Earn


WhaleFin Earn is a product for stable returns available on the WhaleFin app.


WhaleFin offers Fixed Earn products for major digital assets with great flexibility, high return, and no service fees. Long-term holders of assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum can earn attractive returns on their portfolio of investments, while those simply looking for more stable returns can select a stablecoin option to avoid exposure to market volatility.


Two types of Fixed Earn are available on WhaleFin:


Fixed Tenor

Products with fixed tenor (30/60/90/180/365 days) and standardized APR.


Customized Tenor

Users may select the tenor of their choice (1–365 days) with adjusted APR based on the length of the subscription.



Earned interest is settled daily, and there are zero fees for subscription and redemption. Interest can also be converted to another asset as it accrues daily– meaning that an investor can subscribe in USDT and earn interest in BTC, or vice versa. 




What are the risks of Fixed Earn?

  • Platform risk - When you invest your digital assets to earn returns over time, you have to trust the platform to manage your assets on your behalf. Choose a platform that can properly protect your assets, like Amber Group with a good compliance and security record to mitigate this risk.

  • Liquidity risk - Participating in fixed-term investments requires locking up your assets for a period of time, and early withdrawals may lower your annualized return rate (APR will be lower).


Even though fixed-term investments offer high returns, there are certain risks involved. Do your own research, including reading the terms and conditions thoroughly to understand the product design to minimize risks, choosing a tenor that suits your risk appetite, and understanding the implications of fixed-term investments.





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